Moses and the first 5 Books of the Old Testament

Question: Was Moses born in the Book of Exodus, but he is the one who wrote Genesis?


No, he was Born in approx. BC1571, see Ex. 2:1–10.

He was discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as her own, in Pharaoh's household.

Moses is eventually exiled from Pharaoh's care, due to conflict over treatment of Hebrew slaves, and he eventually enters the household of “Jethro” (the priest of Midian)!

Eventually after a period of contact with (“I AM”), the One True God; Moses is trusted to “renew” the Covenant that God requires with Israel (Ex. 34:10), and God gives warning to Moses re. the tribes of Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites; all of which occupy the “Promised Land”, which God is Covenanting to Israel!

These tribes are considered to be the “remnant” of the Nephilim; who God had told Saul and David to destroy, but who did not complete the task, which seemed to fall to Joshua later.

Regarding the 2nd. part of your question, God told Moses to “write what he was told” by God (Ex. 34:27–28)!

It is recorded that Moses was working on this for 40 days and nights, without sustenance, and it is assumed that he also wrote all the first 5 books of the OT during this time.  However, it is surmised that he may have used the 40 years of penile wandering for the latter books.


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